Multidisciplinary Team Series:
Process of Disclosure

Intended Audience

This module is intended for any professional who may become involved in the intervention of child abuse or to whom a child may disclose abuse.


The purpose of the Process of Disclosure module is to assist professionals in understanding how children disclose abuse. The Dynamics of Abuse are an integral part of children's Process of Disclosure. The two concepts go hand in hand and are best described together, in one module.

Understanding these concepts will enable child abuse professionals to better accommodate children's disclosure of abuse. Whether it be through timing of the forensic interview, determining the need for conducting a minimal facts interview, interviewing a child to assess safety, or addressing additional reports of abuse, this knowledge, will help MDT members meet the child's needs in their disclosure process.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the dynamics of abuse and children's process of disclosure abuse based on research and literature.
  • Explore influences that can cause children to delay disclosure.
  • Recognize the importance of working as a team to accommodate children's disclosure.

Authors, Contributors, and Reviewers