Multidisciplinary Team Series:
Problematic Sexual Behaviors - Part 1

Intended Audience

Any professional who may become involved in the intervention of reports involving youth with problematic sexual behaviors (PSB).


For MDTs that are affiliated with a Children’s Advocacy Center, the 2023 National Children’s Alliance (NCA) Standards for Accreditation fully endorses and supports CACs serving this population.

Learning Objectives

  • Educate professionals on the importance of shifting their mindset in cases involving problematic sexual behaviors by:
  • Describing the Continuum of children’s sexual behaviors and the dynamics of these cases.
  • Examining common myths and historical assumptions related to children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors.
  • Recognizing the importance of person-first language when communicating about these cases.
  • Distinguishing the role Children's Advocacy Centers can play in providing services for families impacted by PSB.

Authors, Contributors, and Reviewers